Yashiro minase

In “Image.tv gravure Net” of portal site MouRa that Kodansha Publishers Ltd. manages, notice assignment of taking the lower photograph of it is possible to consider Yasshiro.

A slender body of 165cm appears in “Image.tv gravure Net” to deliver popular idol’s taking lower photograph and broadband moving image and being possible to consider Yasshiro about the charm appears. Consider that every duality is curvaceously expressed in Yashiro if you are man. Which is her true on earth?A plump bust of 88cm that seems to spill from the small bathing suit is attention, too.

The attention fee is 1,050 yen a month. Partially, the sample image and the moving image have been disclosed free of charge.

(Kosuke Orimoto @RBB 2009 March 17th 17:37 of)

身長165cm、88cmの豊満バストをもつ八代みなせが大胆に…… | RBB TODAY
講談社が運営するポータルサイトMouRaの「image.tv グラビアNet」では、八代みなせの撮り下ろし写真を配信中だ。視聴料金は月額1,050円。一部、無料でサンプル画像、動画を公開している。

