Former announcer, Mr. Rio Hirai (29) of Fuji Telecasting Co. that had married in July, and director (34) of this bureau held the reception in Tokyo

Former announcer, Mr. Rio Hirai (29) of Fuji Telecasting Co. that had married in July, and director (34) of this bureau held the reception in Tokyo and the Shibakoen prince tower Tokyo convention hall on the fourth of Daian, and blessing of about 200 people was received.

The chairperson is Tacashihiroshi Nishioka (36) and Tomoko Honda (29) both ana-s who are the colleagues of sports information program “” that serves as the main caster for about six and a half years until September left the office. When it turns round each table in a pure-white wedding dress appearance, and gratitude was told, Hirai is Iu.

The sing enthusiastically of new Ro, and the video message is sent from the comedy duo and Downtown in which it performs to this bureau variety “Bursting out laughing Dai-nippon Akan the police” of which it takes charge, and ..duet tune “Day when love arose”.. sing enthusiastically of bride and bridegroom at the end to show one’s appreciation. When the smile was shaken and reeled without showing tears to the last minute, it is Iu according to the affiliate though seemed to have reached applause from the hall by the feeling at the beginning as for Hirai.

Multitude attendance of Takatsu Shinwareshi (43) of Shoji Miyake ana-s (49) this day of former professional baseball besides announcer companion from sporting world. Ohki (38) of Beebe and Itao wound roads (49) celebrated the departure in the spectacle society.
Former announcer and Mr. Rio Hirai of Fuji Telecasting Co.

