Who is the center of the following tune of “Gingham check”?It asked 25 people who gathered in the Tokyo Dome performance on the final day.

The following center … The Yuko 28% of the 48%.

Tokyo Dome AKB48 in >* the 26th Tokyo Dome <

Who is the center of the following tune of “Gingham check”?It asked 25 people who gathered in the Tokyo Dome performance on the final day.

It is the entire 48% per 12 Mayu Watanabe that collected support most. Yuko Oshima is 28 continuously % every seven people. Geyurigeyuririna Matsui is one person. A man in his twenties who answered, “Do not you return to the first state?” is “See ..all Takahashi… “Here was support of the only. People except another four people and answers “Everyone is good it” and “I haven’t got the faintest idea”. It became a reshuffle, and Watanabe expected AKB48’s new face became team A with shape to hold Oshima in the first general election place in check in two Hikuma.

