Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC)

Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC)
It has been understood that the bank in Germany is holding the bad debt more than the bank in other European countries according to the finding announced on the 28th. It is assumed that the trade marketplace of the bad debt not active is in the backdrop. 
The face value dimension of the bad debt that the bank in Germany holds at 2009 year-end is 50 percent extra Canada lingua from 213 billion euro (263 billion dollars) and levels at the previous year according to PwC. 
On the other hand, bad debts of the bank in Britain are 155 billion euro. Previous years were 107 billion euro. 
In the bank in Spain, 96.8 billion euro (Previous years were 75.4 billion euro), and Italy was 59 billion euro (42 billion euro). 
Jens Lowenberg of PwC described, “The bad debt trade marketplace still lacks power though an increase (Germany) in the entire Europe (bad debt)”. 
PwC was specified to be able to fill the basis of core net worth ( Tier1) ratio of the bank in Germany with the redress of the government, and for the clearance at the early stage of assets never to have been urged. 
This Mr. described, “It is expected that plural credit portfolios were put out to the marketplace in the latter six months of the term of this year”. 
After the beginning of the year, the bad debt of 1.6 billion euro corresponding is sold off in Britain according to PwC. 
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