600 that offered uninhabited convenience store “600” set up in the office things except was morning sun Media Laboratory VENTURES, was SMBC venture capital, was apricot VENTURES, was the AG capital, and announced on January 29 that it had procured 100 million yen two or more private investors etc. by the funding round of series A.
600 is an eating and drinking goods and daily miscellaneous goods sales services set up in the office. Because the main body of the refrigerator type can set up easily for 60cm in width and compact, and do the refrigeration preservation, Sets and the cup ramen etc. of the article of possible handling are wide from miscellaneous daily goods. The commodity of 600 articles or less can be put in the main body.
The credit card is first Swaiped to the card reader installed in the main body so that the user may use 600 and the door is opened. The RFID(radio frequency identifier) tag attaches to each commodity, and whether the main body exchanges information by a wireless communication with this tag, and which commodity taken out of the main body are understood. The card is only settled according to the display of the screen.
The replenishment member can display the best commodity in 600 according to the situation at that time because it takes the purchase data which how many commodities when sold in 600. Because the throat candy sells on a cold day, the condition of replenishing it a lot.
It is said that 600 has set up so far in 50 places, and used from the major companies such as LINE and KDDI to start-ups such as Lang-8 and WOVN Technologies for a wide enterprise after service is released of June, 2018. The number of total commodity sales is 20,000.
600 attempts strengthening the system of manufacturing of an uninhabited convenience store and strengthening the distribution net by using the capital procured this time. It is said that this company expands the number of installations of 600 up to 500 places according to representative director’s Cbotanishi by the end of 2019, and the total sales number aims to make it to 200,000 pieces. Moreover, the posture that achieves the installation and the average Nippon Shuppan Hanbai Co., Ltd. 30,000 yen to 10,000 places, and wants to achieve the billing of 100 billion yen scale during year by 2024.