It has been understood for the big enterprise group in Hong Kong to start take over bid = equity flotation purchase etc. by the capital of 70 billion yen dimension for the major paintmaker and Nippon Paint in the second place domestically, and to schedule the purchase of the right of administration to be aimed in fact.
The big enterprise related to paints to open the base in the kipper and Hong Kong and the Uttoram group plan starting of the subsidiary take over bid = equity flotation purchase for Nippon Paint through Nipshe international by the affiliate.
Cooperation is strengthened more, the possession ratio of shares of Nippon Paint is improved up to 45% by doing the take over bid by the capital of 70 billion yen in chart funnel dimension, the share enlargement is made plan Nippon Paint to aim at the purchase of the right of administration in fact in the global marketplace, and it makes it to the proposal though Uttoram is in cooperation as the business is developed in each country of Asia under joint management with Nippon Paint through the Nipshe Co..
On the other hand, Nippon Paint is a difficulty the strengthening of the foreign operation including the inside and Asia where the moderation of the domestic market is expected, and is expected that the correspondence policy will be decided after the business plan etc. that the Uttoram side shows are discussed.
As for sales, a car and industrial paints, etc. manufacture, are sold by the paintmaker in the established business house of establishment by Nippon Paint in 1881, and how deal with this take over bid proposal because the competition with the manufacturer in Europe and America that boasts of sales of one trillion yen dimension increases the severity is paid to attention in the global marketplace though about 220 billion yen and the second place domestically.