About the consolidation bottom line at the period on March, ’13 of Sharp

About the consolidation bottom line at the period on March, ’13 of Sharp
Having become an outlook for which the surplus of 100 and several billion yen can be secured by the operating profit and loss that shows the profit of the profession in the latter six months of the term (October, ’12 – March, ’13) of 12 fiscal years has understood the 31st.
Sales of the white color home electric appliance and the medium or small sized liquid crystal panel, etc. begins to expand, and the profit will improve it.
As for Sharp, making in the latter six months of the term of 12 fiscal years to the business black is requested as a condition that receives the financing from a leading relationship bank of Mizuho Corporate Bank and Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, and the momentum seems to adhere to the reconstruction by attaining the target for the time being.

President Takashi Okuda of Sharp announces conference Shite in Tokyo on the first.
The making a downward revision might fall to the business deficit being expected the sales decrease of the thin-screen TV and the solar cell in a worldwide slowdown on August 2 Sharp 30 billion yen of the operating income expectation in the latter six months of the term of the dissemination lingua of 12 fiscal years.
On the other hand, the deficit of the final consolidation (reported term) at the full-year of the period on March, ’13 ..about 200 billion yen.. worsened from 250 billion yen of the expectation conventionally, became about 450 billion yen, and it became a swelling outlook.

On the other hand, the outlook of midterm financial settlements in September, ’12 of Sharp that the final deficit swells to about 380 billion yen with 210 billion yen of the expectation conventionally.
The deferred tax asset post in expectation of the tax liability mitigation in the future for the deterioration in earnings in addition to valuation loss of the inventory such as liquid crystal panels is taken down.

The source

Sharp http://www.sharp.co.jp/stock price http://www.nikkei.com/markets/company/index.aspx?scode=6753

