It was announced that Toshiba device & storage developed hard disk drive (HDD) of 16tera(Tera was one trillion) memory capacity byte on the eighth, and started the sample shipment in the end of January. 16 terabites become the maximum capacity in the industry in a past magnetic record method. The demand for the data center and the server, etc. to obtain average to which the delivery of Craudosarbis and the animation contents expands and mass HDD is taken.
The memory capacity increased by 33% compared with the product of the main current of 12 terabites as for new product “MG08 series” now. It is said that the recording density was improved by improving the recording layer of the disk and the function of the head though Toshiba was developing the product of 14 terabites. The rotation of the disk was stabilized by filling helium that it was lighter than air and resistance is a less in HDD.
The data center etc. can already easily replace it with HDD that has it by adopting the magnetic record method of the old model as it is. Another and the Big data analysis such as Craudosarbis extend, and mass HDD has been obtained since the past.