The American man in favorite Japan wants must to visit Japan and to experience.

In blog “nomadicmatt” of the United States, the American man of the visit to Japan schedule is spelling the desire to Japan.

It travels around Thailand several years ago, and it is an author who has the half-day tour lingua on the way at the time of return home to the United States as for Tokyo. When it arrives at New Tokyo International Airport at 6 AM, and Imperial Palace was visited, it is Iu. It does still and it looks back on Tokyo of January more coldly than Thailand when having waited from feelings that it wants to return eating it is possible to hold to opening a store of the sushi shop in Starbucks.

The author is spelling that time when it was talked that it wished that it became crazy in Japan since then, and it always visit Japan and finally fulfilled the wish came. It is spoken of one’s aspiration that it wants to touch a lot of Japanese cultures by using the free time though it shortly visits Japan by the tour of the travel firm for two weeks from next week.

The author describes to be ardent and to be Japanese and to like oneself, and is telling Japan to have enthused ..consequence that dreams the visit to Japan for a long time.. more and more. I can hear the author’s excitement from Iu by interesting in all of the Japanese culture like the Japanese food and the technology, etc. , and exhibitions of the work of art of Japan in the house.

First of all, when it is a dream to eat the sushi in the morning because the sushi is loved, the author is Iu. It expects it to try by all means though whether the shop that serves breakfast the sushi is Aruka very is not understood. And, it is talked that going Taino does the resolution that occurs at 4 AM to the reclaimed land in the biggest fish market in the world without fail as a sushi fan.

It is Iu to have experienced hearing talking that it is additionally difficult for the people who visited Japan to be a huge maze, and to understand the subway in Tokyo. Moreover, experiencing congestion talks and few American author is talking that it wants to taste the appearance crowded by all means.

The author seems to be interested in the experience of modern Japan not to mention the traditional culture of Japan. It is possible to look for the appearance in which the desire is felt increasing to the trend of various Japan such as young person’s latest rest rooms and fashions and cat cafes. It is concluded that it wants to taste a lot of Japanese cultures though a short period of about two weeks.

Japan is good country!
PLEASE come here!

